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Our interactive workshop sessions are a fantastic way to engage, educate and equip your people with practical tools and techniques which will make a difference to both their mindset and the impact that they have in their role.

We've got you covered...

You tell us what you're looking to achieve and we'll work with you to deliver a high impact workshop that people will be talking about long after the event!  


Whether it's a 2 hour session, half a day or full day, we have the workshop to suit. We work with any group size and audience. You can choose from one of our popular workshop topics below or we can devise a bespoke session designed 100% for you.

The Stress Buster

Something that everyone can relate to. Understand your relationship with stress and learn how to effectively manage it so that you feel in control and able to operate well.

The Resilient Mindset

Realising resilience is an essential tool in your toolkit. Knowing how you can competently adapt and recover from stress and challenges whilst maintaining a positive state of wellbeing.

The Motivation Machine

How to harness motivation & squash procrastination! Get a real understanding of what motivation, really is, how to boost it and maintain it whilst learning how to stop procrastination in it's tracks.

The Performance Mindset

A deep dive into the performance mindset. Exploring the 3 facets of performance; focus, energy and commitment. Understand how to optimise them, the importance of direction and how to boost motivation to make things happen!

The Effective Communicator

We all communicate a lot but how well do we really understand communication, it's power and the impact it can have? This practical session is packed with techniques you can action immediately to optimise communications and re-focus on quality not quantity.

The Confidence Cultivator

How to cultivate a confident mindset; we delve into identifying your confidence gremlins, explore the fear factor, explain how to challenge self sabotage and step out of your comfort zone.  Confidence is a skill that can be learned and mastered.

The Manager

Designed for leaders and managers to learn how to effectively coach their people. Managers enhance the value and support they provide their teams by developing practical coaching skills that they can put to use straightaway.

The Imposter Syndrome Buster

Imposter thinking can be a huge blocker to reaching potential. A tendency to play it safe, keep a low profile, not offer ideas and input; all adversely impacting productivity and performance.  Identify the inner imposter, learn strategies to challenge it and kick imposter thinking to the curb.

The Influencer &
EI Guru

People being able to understand and develop your emotional intelligence and successfully influence others, is a gamechanger.  Learn skills to help strengthen relationships, improve stakeholdering and enhance team interactions.

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